Don’t forget on your next trip to the mountains to bring a humming bird feeder. I have seen these birds my whole like since I grew up in black forest. They are just amazing to watch. I have found myself as I get older to really appreciate the birds that differ themselves from the crows that we normally see around here. The humming bird is one of those that I just can’t take my eye off of.

You can pick up feeders for a low cost, I don’t think we even paid $20.00 for ours. I went all out and got some of the good to that you can mix with a little water and just poor it in. From what I remember as a kid we were able to make our own pretty easy with a whole lot of sugar, water and some food coloring. If I remember correctly the redder you make your food the more attractive the birds will find it. Once you hang it up so that it can bee seen pretty easy you are in for a show. There will be the bees as well but from what I hear there is some great bee crisis that we should be aware of. Either way the bee’s seam to like the feeder and they don’t bug the birds.